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Our signature and company's fame : THE ANTIGERMwipes

By adding mechanical action for an optimal efficiency, they allow for a fast disinfection of small alcohol-resistant medical equipment as well as all surfaces such as touch screens (smartphone), cutlery, glasses, food contact surfaces, baby's world, contact points, toilets, hands and non-invasive equipment.

The wipes dry quickly with no streaks, without the need for additional wiping.

These wipes are immersed in an alcohol-based chemical-free solution, which is recommended by the WHO, validated by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and standardized by the Intertek laboratory, leader in chemical testing and analysis.

The effective timetable for disinfections is 30 seconds against standard bacteria, fungi, enveloped viruses and 60 seconds against mycobacteria.

Our different packaging is suitable for both private and professional customers, such as hospitals and medical centers, schools and nurseries, hotels and restaurants, businesses and communities, etc.

+ Ready-to-use wipes

+ Fast and efficient disinfection

+  Dries quickly, without streak

+  Suitable for food contact surfaces

+ Suitable for medical environments

+ Suitable for childcare

Ph 7  /  Biocidal PT1-PT2-PT4  /  Colorless  /  Flagrance-free


Disinfectant wipes box of 10. The Swiss solution. Antigermwipes. Disinfectant wipes. Disinfection wipes. Sanitizing wipes. Sanitizer wipes. Disinfectant wipes in bulk. Flowpack of 100 disinfectant wipes. Swiss made. Antigerm wipes. 1000 wipes. wiping. wipes. Antigerm line. Antigerm
Disinfectant wipes box of 10. The Swiss solution. Antigermwipes. Disinfectant wipes. Disinfection wipes. Sanitizing wipes. Sanitizer wipes. Disinfectant wipes in bulk. Flowpack of 100 disinfectant wipes. Swiss made. Antigerm wipes. 1000 wipes. wiping. wipes. Antigerm line. Antigerm
Disinfectant wipes box of 10. The Swiss solution. Antigermwipes. Disinfectant wipes. Disinfection wipes. Sanitizing wipes. Sanitizer wipes. Disinfectant wipes in bulk. Flowpack of 100 disinfectant wipes. Swiss made. Antigerm wipes. 1000 wipes. wiping. wipes. Antigerm line. Antigerm

10 wipes

Art. 30010

100 wipes

Art. 30100

1000 wipes

Art. 31000

Pocket size, can be stored and used everywhere.

For use in large volume areas and crowds.

Box of 1'000 individual wipes in bulk.

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